Tutorial: Localization



SV.T(...) is a handy function for translating a string based on the host's current language settings. The translation is based on a dictionary provided by the script author. If an out-of-dictionary string is encountered, it fallbacks to the host's translation file, and if a translation is still not found, the original string will be returned.

Embed a translation dictionary in the script

The script author may implement getTranslations(langCode) callback to provide a script-specific translation dictionary. This function is executed when Synthesizer V Studio loads the script and it takes a string argument for the language code. It returns an array of pairs (array) of string.

For example,


function getTranslations(langCode) {
  if(langCode == "ja-jp") {
    return [
      ["Please enter a number here:", "数字を入力してください:"],
      ["Please enter some text here:", "テキストを入力してください:"]
  } else
  if(langCode == "zh-cn") {
    return [
      ["Please enter a number here:", "请输入一个数字:"],
      ["Please enter some text here:", "请输入一段文本:"]
  return [];

function main() {
  SV.showInputBox("My Script", SV.T("Please enter a number here:"), "");
  SV.showInputBox("My Script", SV.T("Please enter some text here:"), "");


function getTranslations(langCode)
  if langCode == "ja-jp" then
    return {
      {"Please enter a number here:", "数字を入力してください:"},
      {"Please enter some text here:", "テキストを入力してください:"}
  elseif langCode == "zh-cn" then
    return {
      {"Please enter a number here:", "请输入一个数字:"},
      {"Please enter some text here:", "请输入一段文本:"}
  return {}

function main()
  SV:showInputBox("My Script", SV:T("Please enter a number here:"), "")
  SV:showInputBox("My Script", SV:T("Please enter some text here:"), "")