Tutorial: Custom Dialogs

Custom Dialogs

SV#showInputBox, SV#showYesNoCancelBox and their asynchronous versions are good for simple inputs. For more involved user interactions that require multiple input fields and more diverse input widgets (e.g. sliders), we offer a customizable dialog API through SV#showCustomDialog and SV#showCustomDialogAsync.

SV#showCustomDialog takes a single argument that is a custom form object and returns an object for the results. The form object has the following properties.

  • title: string the dialog's title
  • message: string a message displayed in the top of the dialog
  • buttons: string the preset buttons displayed in the bottom of the dialog. Can be "YesNoCancel" or "OkCancel".
  • widgets: array an array of widgets displayed in the body of the dialog.

For more information, please see the JavaScript example and Lua example.