Tutorial: A Minimal Example

A Minimal Example

A minimal working script consists of two global functions: getClientInfo() and main().

getClientInfo() is called when the script gets loaded by the host. It is supposed to return an object that describes the name, author, version of the script, and the minimal version number of Synthesizer V Studio required to run the script.

main() is called when the user executes the script.

Example (JavaScript)

function getClientInfo() {
  return {
    "name" : "My Script",
    "category" : "Example",
    "author" : "Bob Alice",
    "versionNumber" : 1,
    "minEditorVersion" : 65540

function main() {
  SV.showMessageBox("My Script", "Hello, world!");

Example (Lua)

function getClientInfo()
  return {
    name = "My Script",
    category = "Example",
    author = "Bob Alice",
    versionNumber = 1,
    minEditorVersion = 65540

function main()
  SV:showMessageBox("My Script", "Hello, world!")

See here for a more involved example that creates a NoteGroup and adds a few notes to it.